Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 293: More rolled magazine circles.
Day 294: Busy with travelling for the Thanksgiving holiday, I did a super simple project. 
Day 295:  This was first day I've been really sick since I started this yearly project, and on Thanksgiving day!  So, I allowed myself another super simple project.
Day 296:  I saved a bandaid box and used it as the cover for a book.  I filled the book with folded pages from the physics book I used for my project on days 154 and 155, so the pages have writing and numbers on them that go vertical instead of horizontal.  I mostly wanted to try a book making technique that I've never tried before.  When making thick books, you have to make several "signatures" which are sections of folded pages, that then need to be sewed to each other using what is called the coptic stitch.  This book is made of about 10 signatures.  It was fun doing the research and trying this technique out! 

Day 297: I made another magazine collage.  When I make these I feel like I am playing rather than creating a piece of art.  I'm just gluing together pictures that reflect my mood at the moment.  For this one, I was dreaming of dancing, playing, running through sprinklers,and being joyful.

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